Tag Archives: rewrites

Written Across the Genres

I was privileged to read an excerpt from my novel, My Side of the Wall, at Towne Center Books in Pleasanton, California. It appeared in the anthology, Written Across the Genres, edited by Julaina Kleist- Corwin and is available on Amazon.com.

Julaina wanted to give new writers an opportunity to have their work published. She and Linda Todd worked tirelessly to make it a valuable piece of art. The cover, designed by Julaina, is exquisite – something of which to be proud.

It is this type of opportunity that keeps me working on my novel. My characters are complex, and the drama of their lives leads them to different paths. The theme and plot of the book have developed to the point of near conclusion. I plan to be done with my third rewrite by the end of May. I will then submit copies to several beta readers to read and give comments. Even though my novel critique group gives me important feedback, I need fresh eyes and points of view to enhance the edits already given.

To borrow the title of Hillary Clinton’s book, it takes a village to write a book. Without the input of other writers I’m afraid my novel would not be as well developed as it is. I take courage from the writers who publish their works. We’re a supportive community who understand the complexities of writing, and also, the hard work it entails.

It’s also helpful that family and friends urge me to continue writing. My husband respects the quiet I need to write. All I have to say is, “I’m writing,” and he proceeds to works at his computer or attends meetings of the committees he serves. I appreciate the help of all who have supported me and know that their efforts have helped me bring my work much closer to a quality finished product.